
We are sorry to inform you Fly Fishing in Salt Waters Magazine is discontinuing publication effective with the November/December 2013 issue

Notice to subscribers: The good news is that in Fly Fishing in Salt Waters place, you will receive Salt Water Sportsman for the total number of copies remaining on your subscription.

We’re confident you will enjoy Salt Water Sportsman – it is the world's largest saltwater fishing magazine offering loads of how-to information, advice for those who travel within the greater U.S. and surrounding waters, and reviews of new boats, tackle and electronics.

If you are already a subscriber to Salt Water Sportsman, we will extend your subscription by the appropriate
number of issues owed to you.

We welcome you as a reader and hope you enjoy all of the exciting issues we have planned for the coming year.

If you are not a subscriber and would like to order Salt Water Sportsman, please call 1-800-759-2127.

If you have any other questions, please email us at saltwatersportman@emailcustomerservice.com.